Monday, May 28, 2012

Fish and Co and URA

Hello yellow~ I'm a lazy ass! I'm lazy to transfer the photos from my phone to my comp and then upload it here :( really lazy~~

Hehe about one/two weeks ago me and baby had fish and co. Because I was craving for it! So we went over right after baby's exams YAY ^^ This few weeks I have been eating ALOT :( Like really ALOT, I'm thinking of food all the time!!!! MADNESS!

Baby studying the menu, like a serious only :D

So cute!!!! ^^

Look at baby haha so cute!

He thinks that thats a riffle haha

So I copy! Look professional not? Not really ah~

Hungry x1000
Playing with Jo's ring moustache :)

 URA trip on Thurs! Had to go for a field trip for DPD so I got baby to accompany me there :D

Looking serious again!

Theres this section in URA building where they have display all the buildings in Singapore in small models and its really beautiful! They have almost the exact shape of the buildings and its like wow! I dont know why I look like i want to fight here hahaha. Maybe its the little gangster in me. 

Buying Lays after work I look greedy :O Baby say I look like a housewife hahaha!

Mand mand <3

Nora <3

Anita <3

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